Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran quantum dan sikap percaya diri siswa terhadap pencapaian kompetensi dasar bahasa inggris di SMU Negeri

 Pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran quantum dan sikap percaya diri siswa terhadap pencapaian kompetensi dasar bahasa inggris di SMU Negeri

The purposes of this research are to know: 1) the difference of effect of the quantum learning approach toward the student’s basic competency on English, 2) the difference of effect of the students’ self-confidence toward the students’ basic competency on English. 3) the interaction of the instruction approach and self-confidence toward the student’s basic competency on English. The research is an experimental research. The population of the research is the students of the State General High School in Surakarta. The technique of the sampling is purposive cluster random sampling. The sample of the research concists of 80 students which represents the population. The instrumens used for collecting the data consist of the test of basic competency test, and the questionaire of self
