ABSTRAK Organisasi Perangkat Daerah merupakan wahana guna menampung urusan Pemerintah Daerah agar terselenggara fungsi-fungsi Pemerintah Daerah secara efektif dan efisien. Kehidupan organisasi sebagaimana kehidupan manusia, is lahir, berkembang, sakit dan akhimya bisa mati. Oleh sebab itu perubahan organisasi merupakan sesuatu yang hams dilakukan demi kelangsungan hidup organisasi, sekaligus merupakan tantangan. Terbitnya UU 22/1999 dan UU 25/1999, menjadi tonggak perubahan paradigma Pemerintah di daerah, dan terbitnya PP 84/2000, menjadi pedoman Pemerintah Daerah untuk melakukan reorganisasi, restrukturisasi dan refungsioanalisasi terhadap Struktur Organisasi dan Tatakerja (SOT) Perangkat Daerah. Untuk itu, Kabupaten Grobogan telah melakukan kegiatan reorganisasi, restrukturisasi dan refungsionalisasi SOT Perangkat Daerah, dituangkan dalam Perda Nomor 2 Tahun 2001 tentang SOT Perangkat Daerah, yang merupakan produk kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Grobogan Banyak kebijakan mempunyai tujuan luas sehingga focusnya menjadi tidak jelas, karena kebijakan adalah produk politik yang mengakomodasi berbagai kepentingan. Untuk itu evaluasi kebijakan merupakan kegiatan ilmiah yang perlu dilakukan karena dalam proses kebijakan terdapat tidak saj a perilaku adminstrasi dan organisasional melainkan juga perilaku politis, oleh karena itu evaluasi kebijakan yang bermutu, sangat berguna untuk memperbaiki kebijakan dan hasilnya. Didalam penyusunan kebijakan sudah barang tentu akan ada permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul, untuk melakukan evaluasi maka dirumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut : Mengapa penyusunan SOT Perangkat Daerah tidak sepenuhnya berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip organisasi dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya ?. Evaluasi akan menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut. Basil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa penyusunan SOT Pemgakat Daerah Kabupaten Grobogan kurang memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip organisasi, serta adanya faktor kepentingan untuk dapat mengakomodasi pejabat-pejabat yang pangkatnya sudah tinggi akibat terjadinya likuidasi dan memperkecil social cost sebagai akibat dihapuskannya Eselon V, sehingga menghasilkan susunan organisasi yang tugasnya overlap, penggabungan lembaga yang tidak sejenis, pemisahan lembaga yang sejenis dan adanya nomenklatur yang tidak jelas. Untuk itu direkomendasikan, agar dilakukan peninjauan kembali terhadap Perda No. 2 Tahun 2001 tentang SOT Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Grobogan, disamping itu juga terhadap Pemerintah Pusat, agar melakukan peninjauan kembali terhadap pasal 62 UU No. 22/1999 serta Pasal 8 dan Pasal 9 PP 84/2000, karena pengaturan struktur organisasi harus dapat diwujudkan dalam bagan struktur organisasi, sehingga dapat mewujudkan organisasi yang efektif, karena organisasi yang efektif sangat ditentukan oleh struktur organisasi yang tepat.
ABSTRACT The Structure of Organization and The Word Order of Grobogan Regency Local Forces which is established on Grobogan Regency Local Regulation No. 2/2000 is a product from Grobogan Municipal Policy arranged base on the government's regulation No. 84/2000 about "The, Regulation of Local Forces Organization". The polio}, is a political product which accommodate many kind of interest, so the evaluation of the policy is a scientific activity which is extremely useful to improve the policy and its result. This research intens to evaluate the Structure of the Organization and The Work Order (SOT) of Grobogan Regency Local Forces. This research use a descriptive-gualitative method with a taxonomi analysis technigue base on domain structure of organization which is clarified in the principles of the organization and the domain factors which affect it are analized from the intern and extern effects. This research use a population of 50 peoples consist of the local house of representative special committee of 2000, a facilitator team for the preparation and realization of local autonomy, an investigator team for the preparation and realization of local autonomy and the head of the committee, department office and division in Grobogan Municipal Area. The result of this research shows that The Arrangement of Organization's Structure and Work Order of Grobogan Regency Local Forces does not, fully consider the principles of the organization, particularly the principal of the formulation of a clear direction, departemention, job-distribution and the command and controll unity. So it causes an overlaped organization, a fusion of the unrelevant department separation of similar department, a department with unclear function the existence of dual function in departments. The key word is that an effective organization depends on the right structure of organization must be based on the principles of organization while the right structure of the organization. In addition the arrangement of the structure of organization is not only enough by words but it also can be described in the draft of The Structure of Organization.
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ABSTRACT The Structure of Organization and The Word Order of Grobogan Regency Local Forces which is established on Grobogan Regency Local Regulation No. 2/2000 is a product from Grobogan Municipal Policy arranged base on the government's regulation No. 84/2000 about "The, Regulation of Local Forces Organization". The polio}, is a political product which accommodate many kind of interest, so the evaluation of the policy is a scientific activity which is extremely useful to improve the policy and its result. This research intens to evaluate the Structure of the Organization and The Work Order (SOT) of Grobogan Regency Local Forces. This research use a descriptive-gualitative method with a taxonomi analysis technigue base on domain structure of organization which is clarified in the principles of the organization and the domain factors which affect it are analized from the intern and extern effects. This research use a population of 50 peoples consist of the local house of representative special committee of 2000, a facilitator team for the preparation and realization of local autonomy, an investigator team for the preparation and realization of local autonomy and the head of the committee, department office and division in Grobogan Municipal Area. The result of this research shows that The Arrangement of Organization's Structure and Work Order of Grobogan Regency Local Forces does not, fully consider the principles of the organization, particularly the principal of the formulation of a clear direction, departemention, job-distribution and the command and controll unity. So it causes an overlaped organization, a fusion of the unrelevant department separation of similar department, a department with unclear function the existence of dual function in departments. The key word is that an effective organization depends on the right structure of organization must be based on the principles of organization while the right structure of the organization. In addition the arrangement of the structure of organization is not only enough by words but it also can be described in the draft of The Structure of Organization.
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